Realm Review: TheORMuseum

A Realm Review showing all that OR has to show off

Realm Review: TheORMuseum

Special thanks to our new photographer Sporent on these pictures and for articles to come!!!

Welcome to the second ever Realm Review on OR News! To kick it back off now that we’re back up and running, we’re going to start off with a realm you may or may not have heard of: TheORMuseum. This realm is great info-wise for if you’re new, or a returning OG, but even if you already are well acquainted with OR. I still believe it’s worth a look.

What exactly can you find here?

Here at TheORMuseum’s realm, an account run by a currently anonymous individual who goes by TheORProjects, has their realm boasts a large amount of info pertaining to the game that newbies often trip up over, such as tasks, graves, and so much more. Some of the exhibits that are currently there include:

1. Event exhibits (ex. Valentines, Spring, etc.)

2. Farming and custom block exhibits

3. A complete collection of the custom tools

4. Info boards regarding misc stuff

5. A Zoo containing the various OR exclusive mobs

Build Organization

Currently, the realm appears to consist of 3 main sectors, with the main sector being a beautiful modernized neoclassical style looking building, a courtyard in the front of the main sector which you spawn in, and an expansive zoo in the back as the 3rd sector. The main building consists of 3 floors, each with their respective qualities, with the zoo being particularly unique in ways I will go over later in the article. With these next couple sections regarding the content in these sections, I’ll try to be brief, as you should go check it out for yourself.

Inside the Museum Itself

You waltz into the building, and are immediately greeted by a globe in the center of some misc information, but to your left there's an expansive guide to enchanting and all the custom enchants entailed in the Origin Realms experience, looking to the right of the globe, a hallway beckons, containing what appears to be one of every possible custom mob on OR, even going down to the specifics of color/variant, this isn’t the zoo sector, more on that later as I said.

Moving past that, if you look around, you’ll notice that each aspect of the museum get’s its own special build or room style for it which is a nice added touch, no two rooms look alike. Each event also gets its own special room, with 1+ of each furniture available from the event for you to admire. Not biased at all definitely, but my favorite of the event rooms is the spring one.

Contained within the circle made by the winding staircase, a statue of sketchi stands tall, watching over a collection of paintings, with the area behind that containing a complete event tool and key set. Although that in itself is impressive, that’s not all that’s in this stunning build.

Heading up the stairs there are 2 more floors just waiting to be explored, full of info regarding custom blocks, farming schematics, and even a cafe!

Honestly, I could explore this realm’s museum countless times and it would never get old. The build style is phenomenal, and gives its own personal touches to each and every aspect of the museum. Moving forward from that, as you walk out the back, which is located at the tool display, you’ll notice a rather cool structure, or should I say structures in the distance.

More than just a Zoo

Walking out the back, you’d surely notice the bold lettering saying “Zoo,” but what lies behind it shocked me personally, rather than just having animals in fences just there like I’ve seen in many realms, these mobs featured have their own unique moderately large habitats. Some of the habitats that reside here include: A savannah, a tundra, and many more! As I’ve been saying throughout this, I do highly recommend you check this realm out.


To wrap this up, I’m technically supposed to give a numerical rating, but honestly I don’t believe a numerical rating would do this realm justice, so I’m just going to end it here by once again stating the obvious: this realm is awesome. To any newbies out there, if you’re feeling lost, a stop by this museum would definitely be worth your while! Until next time, this is Marm signing off.

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