Block of the Week: Crystals

Welcome to this week's block of the week! Today we will be covering the dazzling crystals!

Block of the Week: Crystals

 Salutations to you, and salutations to all! Welcome to this week's block of the week! Today we will be covering crystals. This dazzling block is very unique from where it's located to what can be crafted with it. Let's dive right in!


 This beautiful block has not one, not two, but seven variants, each with its own respective block and shard. In and of itself, you don’t need to spend millions of years seeking them out, in fact, while mining you probably have come across them a few times. Crystals can be found in both stone-level caves and the depths, so typically if you’re mining you won’t have much trouble finding them, as they are a rather bright type of block. With a normal pickaxe the pointy crystals will only drop crystal shards but these shards on the crystals can also be silk touched if you'd like to use them for building.

 There are certain locations where crystals generate. According to our research, the generation is as follows:

Basin (Stone Caves): White and Blue Crystals

Depths (Deepslate Caves) and Dripstone Caves: Red, Orange, Yellow and White Crystals.

Lush Caves: Green and Purple Crystals

Ice Caves: Blue and White Crystals


 Aside from just being cool blocks, they do have some cool crafting recipes including (In Order of Images):

A) Normal Crystal Blocks (Involves Crystal Shards)

B) Crystal Bricks (Involves Crystal Blocks)

C)  Chiseled Crystals (Involves Crystal Blocks)

D)  Crystal Lanterns (Involves Crystal Shards; does not give off light; orientation based similar to logs)

E)  Prism Lanterns (Involves Crystal Lanterns; does not give off light)

 Regarding Chiseled Crystals, Crystal Bricks, and Crystal Lanterns, they all have different textures and colors depending on what type of shard or crystal block you use in the crafting process; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and white. Using orange crystal blocks when crafting crystal bricks makes orange crystal bricks, and green crystal shards with iron nuggets make a green crystal lantern, etc, I’m sure you catch my drift.

 Out of the craftable recipes with crystals, the prism lantern is definitely the coolest (at least in my opinion). Using 1 of each color variant crystal lantern, and some iron nuggets, you can craft the prism lantern, which is basically a RGB color changing block, with 2 settings you can choose between by right-clicking the block.

 While the craftable recipes do exist and are cool things to do crystals. Starting on patch 0.6.0, with the nether's re-opening came a long-awaited event, as well as new blocks, one of which is the transit block.

 Transit blocks are powered with crystal shards, and allow you to teleport to other transit blocks with the same crystal code. In transit blocks, there is a 3x3 area, and depending on what order you put crystals in there, that’s the code you need to use for the other transit block to function, allowing you to teleport anywhere in your realm at the drop of a hat using this block. When placed, it can store 100 energy, with one energy being subtracted with every teleport. Although you will need to replenish the crystal shards and crystals blocks in this block after using all 100 energy, there’s no doubt that this is an interesting block.

Now let's showcase some awesome creations where people use crystals in awesome ways! We are going to end after here so this is Marm signing off:

Crystals used in the Caves of Origin Isles.
From my realm (MarmaladeMellow) as pillars and a chandelier.
Disco floor from ClifPlays' realm with alternating version of prism blocks.
ClifPlays' realm again with crystal shards as traffic light signals.
Finally we have an image of the youtuber TheVisionaryOne's fountain. (the yellow striped blocks are gold bricks)

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We hope you enjoyed and will see you in the next Article :).